Sometimes we need help leading.

The video above explains what kind of “people service” I offer, but in case you can’t watch that or don’t have the time, here’s the gist of it: after years of leading volunteer and staff teams, I have some best practices that are generally helpful. I also have the benefit of being a third party to what’s going on—an outside perspective. One of my favorite things is watching leaders “get it” and turn around the health of their team.

I also offer services such as tech support, integrating new equipment, general project management, and freelance AV and film labor.

Coaching - One-Off Project

How do we recruit more team members? We can help with that!

Why is my team struggling? We can help figure that out and help you through it.

We have a great audio console, but we don’t feel like we’re using it to its full potential. Can you help? We do that!

Coaching - Retainer

A Coaching Retainer means we stay on for a while to see transitions through or coach a leader who is navigating a difficult process.

One example - managing tensions between a worship leader and tech leader.

My favorite example - If you’ve had big-picture goals that never seem to come to fruition, we love to help you and your team set incremental, measurable goals, and achieve them.

Maintenance - One-Off Project

A Maintenance Project involves taking care of functioning gear by removing dust, polishing lenses, cleaning, updating firmware, etc. It’s all the stuff you know you should get to at some point, it just never actually gets put on the calendar… It’s alright, I can help with that.

Maintenance - Retainer

A Maintenance retainer means we take care of your gear for you. Dust removal, cleaning, firmware updates, and remote backups are all parts of a maintenance retainer. Most lighting fixture manufacturers suggest cleaning the fixture every 2 weeks. =) That’s not usually realistic (or necessary), but it also should be done more than every few years.